Friday, December 14, 2007

I am so much cooler than I was yesterday

Okay... momentous news...


I DID IT!!!!! I weigh 130 pounds!!!!!!!!!

I weighed in at 130 this evening, and I could hardly believe it. I even did a stupid little dance in front of the scale, naked as a freaking jaybird, right there in the middle of the gym locker room. No one seemed to mind, actually. Not that I would have cared anyway, because I WEIGH 130 POUNDS!!!!

Holy crap. That means I've lost over 100 pounds since I came to New York, back in the summer of 2005. Ah, but it's the little things that I'm enjoying about the new me. For instance:

to be able to cross my legs...
to run for a few miles, and, more importantly, go up a couple of flights of stairs, and not feel like I'm about to die...
to wear a size small in just about everything...
to get the towels at the gym to wrap all the way around me...
to take up less space when I sit down on the subway...
to wear tall boots zipped up over jeans...
to wear short skirts...
to wear my hair back without worrying about my face being too fat for it...
to wear the coats I've kept for years because I loved them so much and finding them too big for me now...
to have skinny people talking to me and including me in skinny people talk...
having to wear my engagement ring as my wedding ring because it's the only ring I own that fits...
catching my reflection now and then and freaking out a little because I don't recognize me (no, seriously)...
not being recognized by my own husband when he's looking for me in a crowd...
not being fat anymore!

So tonight, John and I are pulling a late night at the office, working on papers like we do every December. We had our 9th wedding anniversary yesterday, which was very low key, especially since I'd pulled an all-nighter the night before and he was overwhelmed with work all that day. Basically, we did a gift exchange, watched a little TV, and fell over dead asleep. to be honest, it was lovely, and I have no complaints. We're going to do some fun stuff when we finally get some free time, which will be when we're in texas next week, so no worries about doing something momentous. For now, there's work to do. that, and I have a race tomorrow, which is why this is a late night rather than an all-nighter. the Holiday 4-miler in Central Park will be a cold morning run, but I think I'll be okay, since I have a warm shell and some long running tights that should take care of the weather issue. If there's anything I'm looking forward to, it's seeing what people back in Texas say when they see us... John looks like a freaking muscle-bound rock star, and I look like I went to the store and bought a hell of an upgrade.

Yeah. This ought to be fun.


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